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concentration of harmful substance中文是什么意思

用"concentration of harmful substance"造句"concentration of harmful substance"怎么读"concentration of harmful substance" in a sentence


  • 有害物质浓度


  • Whether it has conducted tests on the concentrations of harmful substances in the emissions from vessels and assessed their impact on public health and the air quality ; and
  • The quality of tap water supplied by twd meets completely with drinking water regulation , safe and healthy . the concentration of total trihalogenmethanes is only 1 10 of the standard of water quality of advanced countries like europe , usa and japan . concentrations of harmful substance like heavy metal and pesticides are so low that instrument could not detect them out
    处供应的自来水水质完全符合饮用水水质标准,安全卫生,三卤甲烷含量仅为欧美日等先进国家水质标准的1 10 ,重金属农药等有害物质含量更是低到仪器无法检测出来。
用"concentration of harmful substance"造句  
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